BAC January 2006 News & Digest
Hello BICYCLE ACCESS COUNCIL members. HAPPY NEW YEAR! It's a beautiful day in Pennsylvania!
The Bicycle Access Council was asked to help resolve a dangerous roadway condition for bicyclists in Bucks County. Lower State Road (SR 3003) just outside of Doylestown has a single set of railroad tracks used by the SEPTA R-5 Regional Rail Line crossing it at an acute angle that makes it difficult to traverse safely. This is a narrow two lane rural road with no shoulder and limited space to cross at the recommended 90 degrees to avoid the slippery steel rails and roadway gaps.
Lower State Road is used by many local bicyclists for club rides, special events and is designated as a portion of BicyclePA Route-S. Several crashes have occurred at this location; however, there is no way to document these by a single source since they do not involve a motor vehicle.
In a meeting with PennDOT representatives at the District 6 office in Valley Forge on January 9, the situation was thoroughly discussed with short term and long term solutions sought. To accomplish this, several issues were raised. Here are some of them:
Who owns the tracks?
Who has jurisdiction to make repairs?
What permanent design will make this track crossing safe?
Where do construction and/or repair funds come from?
What can be done NOW!
PennDOT has committed to expedite a series of warning signs agreed upon by those who met on January 9, which included local bicyclist, Steve Scheetz, who represented Suburban Cyclists Unlimited (SCU) and a representative of the Bicycle Coalition of Greater Philadelphia (BCGP).
BAC welcomes input from local bike clubs, SCU and CBBC, with crash history and other viewpoints that can be used in future meetings with PennDOT to achieve a satisfactory outcome for all bicyclists using Lower State Road.
A receipt for membership dues and donations to the Bicycle Access Council (BAC) will be sent upon request. BAC is recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as a non-profit 501(c)3 charitable organization, so membership fees and donations may be tax deductible in accordance with the law. A cancelled check is no longer accepted as proof of a donation. Fees paid for rallies or merchandise do not qualify towards the deductible amount.
For anyone who wants or needs to ride all winter in the coldest conditions, ice and snow included, the ICE BIKE website is the source to keep you informed. It can recommend ways to keep chains and cables from freezing up, studded snow tire discussions, lighting systems and things you never thought you needed to know. Check out: www.icebike.com It's way cool!
Okay, BAC is finally able to end one of the most persistent debates among bicyclists. What is the proper way to pronounce the word used for rear rack bags?
Is it PAN-YEA? or PANNY-UR? Or, something else? Send me your best guess or wait to see next month's BAC News & Digest for the answer.
Or is it a solution in search of a problem? The Bicycle Access Council hopes customers from this "cycle" company never call. Check this out: http://www.para-cycle.com
February 2 is GROUNDHOG DAY! We all want to know if there will be six more weeks of riding the trainer in the basement.
This bicyclist will be at the Slumbering Groundhog Lodge in Quarryville, PA (Lancaster County) to hear the Hibernating Governor announce the honored marmot's prediction from the Pinnacle of Prognostication on the banks of the Octoraro Creek. It's open to the public. Be there before 8 AM.
Is scheduled for Saturday, April 1, in York, PA. No fooling! Clubs are invited to attend this meeting to learn about club dynamics and share their experiences with other Pennsylvania bicycle clubs. The conference is meant to showcase Best Practices. This is an opportunity for new club officers to gain confidence and insight about their duties and for established clubs to show leadership from experience.
John Allen, the author of "Street Smarts" has accepted an invitation to attend this year's conference. "Street Smarts" is the main text of the Pennsylvania Bicycle Driver's Manual published by PennDOT.
This will be the fourth annual Pennsylvania Bike Club Conference hosted by BAC. Bike Clubs will receive more detailed information sometime in January.
To view past issues of the Bicycle Access Council's monthly News & Digest, go to the BAC website, click on the BAC News & Digest button.
The Bicycle Access Council is a non-profit advocacy organization that serves as a forum for Pennsylvania bicyclists and as an ombudsman for bicycling issues.
It is the objective of the Bicycle Access Council to make bicycling on roads throughout the Commonwealth safe, respectable and a transportation choice by educating its members and the motoring public.
All funding for the Bicycle Access Council comes from memberships and donations. Annual membership is $20 per year. BAC does not share membership information.
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Joe Stafford, Executive Director Bicycle Access Council P.O. Box 92 Dallastown, PA 17313 (717) 417-1299
Send mail to webmaster@BicycleAccess-PA.org with
questions or comments about this web site.