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News & Digest - Feb 2005


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BAC February 2005 News & Digest

Hello Bicycle Access Council members,


When The Bicycle Access Council was created in 2001, there were great expectations to make unique improvements for the benefit of Pennsylvania bicyclists who want to use the roadways. Those expectations have not been diminished--in fact the BAC Board of Directors expects to do more now.

Remember the Share-The-Road logo on PennDOT envelopes? That was a BAC goal accomplished within the first six months!

What did happen early on though to divert our efforts were a few related circumstances that had to run its course so BAC could refocus on the initial objectives. September 11 had a drastic impact on Pennsylvania government and the associated economic downturn restrained funding resources for potential partners of change.

That is not to say that BAC has been idle just waiting for better days. There have been two successful annual weekend bicycle rallies and bike club conferences. And, preceding each rally, there were professional seminars held for transportation planners and traffic engineers.

Well, the economy hasn't favorably improved, but the Commonwealth government is more stable now to help us make needed changes.

2005 is going to be the year of two major efforts:

>>> Pennsylvania Vehicle Code changes to strengthen the definitions for

>>> protecting bicyclists rights and safety on the roadway, and

>>> A Share-The-Road motor vehicle license plate.

Details will be released soon on how you can help. BAC will need to boost its membership rolls to show Harrisburg that we do represent a sizeable constituency.

Joe Stafford

Executive Director


Here are some helpful and curious bicycling related news items for February 2005

The following SAFETY RECALL has been published in the Bicycle Retailer & Industry News, Vol 14, No. 1, and on several bicycling list-serves:

Adams Trail-a-bike and Slipstream models--Both universal joints (vertical and horizontal) may be assembled with components that are either out of specification or could have been assembled incorrectly at the factory. Serious injury or death could happen to the user if the Trail-a-bike separates from the lead bicycle.

Call 1-800-663-8916 or go to: www.trail-a-bike.com 

(Editor's note) This is a good reminder to check all bicycles and accessories for safety problems and proper adjustments on a regular basis.

Want to curl up with a good book? "BICYCLE-The History" is a very comprehensive bicycle history book for adults written in an intriguing style. It's a heavy book (3.2 pounds, but not heavy reading. Check out the review at: Amazon.com 

BAC has a number of copies for sale now. $26.50 ($25 +$1.50 Sales Tax. The retail price is $35. Additional cost added for shipping. Also available at AMAZON.COM 

GO FLY A BIKE is another excellent book for young bicyclists. It's great for "old" bicyclists too. Young or old, you'll appreciate this book. For a review, go to: Amazon.com 

What's your favorite bicycle information source? Let BAC know and we'll create a future library list.

BICYCLING Magazine Survey Pays

In the March 2005 issue of BICYCLING magazine, Editor Steve Madden says, "P.S. We’re ready to listen. Fill out the survey about this issue at www.BICYCLING-survey.com  and we’ll use your answers to make BICYCLING a better magazine. It only takes 10 minutes, and for every completed survey, we will donate $2 to the cycling charity of your choice. Everybody wins."

PLEASE designate the Bicycle Access Council if you choose to take the survey.

Dr. Gabe Mirkin's Fitness and Health E-Zine January 16, 2005

Cold Wind in Your Face Can Cause Chest Pain

Exercising in cold weather can cause chest pain in some people who have no problems when they exercise in warm weather. When cold wind blows on your face, your heart rate slows down. This decreases the blood flow to the heart and can cause pain in people with blocked coronary arteries.

The blood supply to your heart muscle comes from arteries on its outside surface. The blood that is pumped inside your heart's chambers brings almost no oxygen to your heart muscle. If you have arteriosclerosis, the fatty plaques in your heart's arteries restrict the flow of blood to your heart. Your heart has to pump rapidly to meet its needs for oxygen. A cold wind slows your heart, reducing the flow of blood. If the heart muscle is unable to get all the oxygen it needs, it starts to hurt.

While freezing your face slows your heart, freezing your fingers makes your heart beat faster. Cold hands will not cause chest pain, but a cold face can. If you have no history arteriosclerosis and have chest pain when you exercise in cold weather, check with your doctor to rule out possible heart problems. If you have heart trouble, it is always a good idea to cover your face when you go out on cold days. You can wear a scarf that you can wrap over your mouth, a knitted ski mask, or a hat with a visor that you can lower when the wind blows.

For more information visit http://www.drmirkin.com 

(Editor's note) Gabe Mirkin is a well known tandem bicyclist in the Washington, DC area.


Pennsylvania Bike Club Conference, March 26, York, PA

Will your bike club be attending?

Check the BAC website NEWS tab for details.

Conference Registration  and Conference Letter 


Pennsylvania Bicycle Rally, July 8-10, Gettysburg, PA

Great rides, great food, great fellowship and, great advocacy!

Check the BAC website 2005 RALLY tab for details and registration forms.


IT'S COMING...Bike Month and Bike to Work Week.

Our Mission...

The Bicycle Access Council is a non-profit advocacy organization that serves as a forum for Pennsylvania bicyclists and as an ombudsman for bicycling issues.

It is the objective of the Bicycle Access Council to make bicycling on roads throughout the Commonwealth safe, respectable and a transportation choice by educating its members and the motoring public.

All funding for Bicycle Access Council comes from memberships and donations. Annual membership is $20 per year and forms are available on the website. BAC does not share membership information.

Joe Stafford, Executive Director

Bicycle Access Council

Dallastown, PA

(717) 417-1299




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Copyright © 2001 Bicycle Access Council
Last modified: August 23, 2006